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Diary of a Woman

Diary of a Woman follows Alex Darkley, a middle-aged teacher, who’s descent into suicidal insanity is triggered by his early childhood and facing refusal and bigotry when living out his sexual ambiguity.
Film Type
Feature Film
90 minutes
Psychological Drama
Primary Age Group
Adults (25-44)
Country of Origin
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Diary of a Woman is an intense psychological drama that navigates the profound inner turmoil of Alex Darkley, a middle-aged teacher whose descent into suicidal insanity is catalyzed by the haunting traumas of his early childhood and the societal rejection he faces due to his sexual ambiguity.

Alex's journey is a raw and unflinching exploration of gender identity, reflected through the lens of his transformation into Alexa, a pivotal shift that first brings euphoria but quickly spirals into isolation and despair.

The narrative culminates in a harrowing suicide attempt, after which Alex is saved and finds solace in reconnecting with his girlfriend. However, the film leaves the audience questioning the permanence of this newfound happiness.

15 minute Q&A with the audience after the screening.

Key Team

  • Simon Aeby (Writer/Director): An accomplished filmmaker known for his keen eye in crafting emotionally resonant narratives. Aeby's past works have earned critical acclaim, including festival selections across Europe.
  • Remo Muggli (Producer): A seasoned producer with extensive experience in the European film industry, particularly in Swiss cinema. His portfolio includes several award-winning films.
  • Marcel Schneider (Producer): With a rich background in both production and script development, Schneider brings a nuanced understanding of storytelling to the project.
  • Roberto Cancellara (Cinematography & Editing): A talented cinematographer and editor, Cancellara has a reputation for his distinctive visual style that enhances the emotional depth of the narrative.
  • Florence Matousek, Olga Dinnikowa, Jürg Plüss, Jean-Christoph Nigon (Key Crew): A team of highly skilled professionals, each with an impressive resume in their respective fields, ensuring that the film is brought to life with technical excellence and artistic integrity.

Production Companies: Simon Aeby Films, Snider Films

Teaser: Diary of a Woman Teaser

Audience and Demographics

The primary audience for "Diary of a Woman" includes adults aged 25-45, with a keen interest in psychological dramas and films exploring complex social issues like gender identity and mental health. The film is expected to resonate strongly with LGBTQ+ communities, as well as with viewers interested in emotionally charged, character-driven stories.

Geographic Targeting

The film is anticipated to perform well in Western Europe, particularly in Switzerland, Germany, and France, where there is a strong interest in auteur-driven cinema. Additionally, North America, especially urban centers with diverse populations and a vibrant independent film scene, is a key market.

Unique Selling Points

  • Award-Winning Talent: The film boasts an ensemble cast of award-winning actors, elevating the film's dramatic impact and marketability.
  • Experienced Crew: With a team of seasoned professionals, "Diary of a Woman" benefits from high production values and a director with a strong vision.
  • Socially Relevant Theme: The film’s exploration of gender identity and mental health is both timely and important, appealing to contemporary audiences and critics alike.
  • Pre-existing Audience: The film has garnered interest from the LGBTQ+ community and psychological drama enthusiasts, ensuring a built-in audience base.

Budget: $1 Million

Amount Raised: Secured through private investment.

Marketing Plan:

"Diary of a Woman" is poised for a strong festival circuit run in 2024/25, with submissions to major international film festivals including Cannes, Berlin, and Toronto. The film’s unique and socially relevant subject matter is expected to generate significant interest, leading to critical acclaim and awards consideration.

Distribution Plan:

  • North American Digital Distribution: A deal has been signed with a digital distribution partner, ensuring the film’s availability on major streaming platforms in North America.
  • Theatrical Release: The production team is actively seeking a distribution partner for a theatrical release, aiming to bring "Diary of a Woman" to a wider audience, particularly in art-house cinemas across Europe and North America.

Contact for Distribution Inquiries:


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